drums, percussion - rock before dawn

Sergeant Daniel Ryan enlisted in January 2004 as a percussionist with the 144th Army Band,Illinois Army National Guard.  SGT Ryan spent 16 years with the 144th as the lead percussionist, assistant Administrator, and supply NCO.  He volunteered for Operation Enduring Freedom in 2008 and has participated in the most prominent missions in the recent history of the 144th toinclude: US Rugby vs. New Zealand “All Blacks” at Soldier Field, Military Appreciation night atboth the United Center and Symphony Hall with the Chicago Symphonic Orchestra, and the presentation of the colors at the 2018 MLS All-Star game at Soldier Field. SGT Ryan joined the 36th Infantry Division “Lone Star” Band in August of 2020 through an Interstate Transfer as he and his family relocated to Texas.

SGT Ryan is currently assigned to the “Rock before Dawn” Rock Band MPT as the drum setplayer with accompanying vocals. Daniel lives with his wife, Lisa, as well as his stepson Rocky and daughter Kennedy in Selma, TX.